and traceability in
the sheep and goat skins


Henan Prosper operates an extensive cluster of factories located in Mengzhou, in the Chinese province of Henan. The company has established itself as the world’s largest producer of sheep and goat skins, also serving prestigious luxury brands.
The production capacity exceeds the 60,000 skins per day from the world’s major production markets, guaranteeing unparalleled diversity and quality.
Henan Prosper has always stood out for its attention to new market demands and with this in mind has recently invested in a series of laser marking systems for its creations.


Managing large volumes presents complex challenges, especially when it comes to traceability and quality control.
“The introduction of this technology has had an extremely significant impact, even considering our high daily production” explains Michael Lyu, CEO of Henan Prosper.
The company was faced with the need to implement a traceability system that could keep pace with its production, without sacrificing quality or slowing down processes.
“Customers were asking us to take action in this direction and as always we were happy to oblige” adds the CEO.


“Feltre has been our technology partner for a long time and we chose it again this time because they offered us a reliable solution that can handle our volumes without compromise” says Mr Lyu.
“The result is an integrated system that marks and tracks thousands of skins per hour.”


The introduction of the system has brought significant results; the management of production volume is smooth and without the possibility of human carelessness.
”The impact on our operations has been remarkable” comments Lyu. “We can now offer our luxury customers not only quality, but also total transparency on every single skin.”
”We are entering a new era of sheep and goat skins production” says the CEO. “Traceability is no longer just a control function, but a real strategic tool that allows us to understand and improve every aspect of our value chain.”


Henan Prosper’s experience shows that even in a traditional industry like skins processing, technological innovation can lead to radical transformations. By taking on the challenge of large-scale traceability, the company has not only improved its operational efficiency, but also redefined the standards of quality and transparency for the entire sheep and goat skins industry.


Building on its success, Henan Prosper is already planning the next phase of innovation. “The first automatic code reading systems have already entered the company and after a test phase will soon be integrated into our company data management system” Michael Lyu explains.
“I foresee a future in which every skin tells its own story, from source to finished product.”